• the banned me from Twitter and Facebook and they can kiss my white ass
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  • this is one old woman's opinion. we need our republican politicians to stand up and fight for American people. And take control of the situation. we can't fight biden circus needs to be have made a fool of us and we have let them.
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  • this is so bad we work our asses off everyday an still not enough money to eat . buy gas can't buy our little babies formula .I guess this is how we get abortion legal. we can't afford to raise our children. we can't afford to buy clothes for school. this is where the democrats have got us
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
    • Jay Sardo more than 3 years ago

      How Libs Define It/themselves.. seems legit.. or No? 🤷‍♂️🤣🔫

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  • I am angry as always the democrats need to go
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