• got to thinking 🤔 I've been pretty hard on the liberal dem's, to Make up for it, I'm willing to Sacrifice and donate any and all future euthenation shots. oops- I mean Vax shots.

    just trying to help and do my part.
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
  • so would any of you go back to the fauchi face diapers upon the next dreamt up variant? if your answer is yes. let me know- I'm selling cardboard box bomb nuke shelters, just as effective as masks. 👍
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
  • Been hammering on the Lib Dem's pretty hard.

    Thought about it- decided I should do something nice .

    Advice: don't forget to go to your local gas station and request the air in your tires be converted back- from winter air to summer air. 😉 helps with gas mileage.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • I keep getting chick's or bots asking for dic pics. I keep sending this photo saying " here you go - biggest dick I've ever seen.
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 1
  • who knew? Dem's just recently taught me that I could become pregnant. 😳

    didn't know Dem's were so powerful they could change evolution like that.

    well now I'm scared as hell to have sex.

    Here is the whole Article:

    Dem witness tells House committee men can get pregnant, have abortions

    Comments: 1 Reposts: 1
  • Thanks for NOTHING! biden.

    your the worst president I've ever know, fu'k it, bring back Jimmy Carter!.
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
  • another oblivious liberal In complete denial.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 1
  • what ever gender, descent. ethniticity,color you happen to be, be happy with it. none of us chose these things. no matter what i was given at birth I would own it! Be proud of it! it's up to you to have that conviction, no one else can have it for you..
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
  • wore my MAGA hat to town today. many folks said "love the hat"
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
  • Yehh! Got a raise in pay today. Told my Girlfriend I would like to buy her some jewelry. She said "I'm sorry I know it costs more and I don't want to sound like a bitch, But would rather you bought me a tank of gas.😜
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
  • freedom to chose.

    if any of my posts are offensive, you have the right and freedom to not read them. just as you do, to not watch the liberal shit on TV. I turn off 80% of the new shows, in the middle of the show. No one is making you read or watch.

    freedom of choice.

    so stop trying to make me wear a mask, take a jab or give up my guns.

    IT'S NOT! ever going to happen.
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0