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  • if you truly want to take a major step in reducing the rampant, politically biased corruption in U. S. government you can start by cleaning house - remove ALL presidential "appointees" and fill those positions through a open competitive examination process. Americans deserve men and women of strong character who are both ethical and moral and, most importantly, unbribable. What we don't need are those who "fail to identify" and have no clue about their gender. All they care about is voicing meaningless rhetoric about fabricated "phobias" that mean absolutely nothing.

    Every government employee is a public servant and should be working daily to make the daily lives better for ALL OF US.

    The American Revolution began with far less hatred than we have now. People were united around a common cause and ideas that would make life better for everyone. We need men and women like that to lead us.

    Hopefully when Congress reconvenes in January we can start taking some positive steps forward 🤞

    When will the "servants of the people" seriously deal with our nation's $31+ trillion dollar debt? Stop arguing, pointing fingers about blame and come together and actually FIX THE PROBLEM! ❤️🇺🇲
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