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  • As I have said many times, the entire process of how people are selected to be agency administrators in the federal government needs to change. Merely to be named or selected and then rubber stamped by the Senate is woefully inadequate. The process has allowed political favoritism and bias to entrench itself, like a cancer, within these organizations. Homeland Security, the FBI, DOJ, CDC, CIA and many others have become corrupt through these "political appointees".

    The solution is to have an unbiased and fair multi-level open, competitive examination of qualified candidates. The exam could be structured many different ways but one example would be to incorporate a lengthy written test along with a scenario based oral interview(s) to determine the candidates' overall knowledge and leadership/management abilities for the position they're seeking. Each and every administrator must be willing, able and competent to do the work of any of the employees within their organization. They must be capable of rolling up their sleeves and demonstrate to their subordinates that they themselves are not afraid of hard work. In fact, they embrace it. They foster a work environment and possess a personal ethic that has zero tolerance for anything unlawful - at every level. They have characters and morals that cannot be bribed or influenced no matter how great the temptation or promises made by corrupt, immoral politicians or lobbyist.

    All of these men and women take an oath of office which, in part, asks them to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. When they willfully and intentionally violate that oath, by enacting policies that favor a political ideology or instruct others to lie, mislead, distort, cover up or hide the truth, they need to be held criminally accountable under the harshest penalties.

    There are many great patriots currently working in Washington and we should recognize their service to us and America. Sadly, there are many who are the exact opposite and work everyday to undermine the founding principles of our republic. Their allegiance is not to the Constitution but to a immoral political ideology. They are the cancer and the ones who need to be removed so we all can have trust again in government.
    • Donald Trump 25mo. ago

      So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, “Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.” This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!

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