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  • People are criticizing CNN for giving me a Forum to tell the TRUTH. I believe it was a very smart thing that they did, with Sky High Ratings that they haven’t seen in a very long time. It was by far the biggest Show of the night, the week, and the month!

    The Radical Left screamed, “Take it down, take it down,” during the Show, because they saw that I was making so many important points on the Border, Energy Independence, the Afghanistan Catastrophe, Inflation, the Economy, Russia/Ukraine, and so much more. Many minds were changed on Wednesday night by listening to Common Sense.
    Comments: 11 Reposts: 9
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    14mo. ago

    make America great again

    14mo. ago

    I think it's time to put Brandon in the train station. Trump 2024. Maga is back safe America.

    Henk Ermes
    14mo. ago

    #Trump on @CNN was a 'true 100% hit' for Trump and CNN!https://www.westernjournal.com/trump-cnn-town-hall-turns-hit-job-within-minutes/

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