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  • Can anyone believe that it's been two ("2") years under this Administration... How could this of all gone wrong??

    Some may think it could've started near, or around (2016);

    as an "Angry Businessman" took the WORLD; & flipped it as he

    slowly "climbed his way into Politics". As in ("HIS") terms,

    quoted by "Draining the Swamp".... In which had a MAJOR

    Cause, & Effect.

    Even though, we know that we live in "Different

    Times" since the (9/11) Tragedies. It just seems that we

    haven't learned anything.

    Throughout "OUR TIME of HISTORY"... As I mentioned

    we've haven't learned anything, but instead few to most get

    "BRAINWASH" by what they hear from the NEWS/MEDIA..!!

    All ya gotta do is look it up... U''ll be very surprised on

    what u find out.

    *One of the things to look up... Throughout

    HISTORY, most of those sitting Presidents served there full

    8 year term.. There were like (3)three who went through

    IMPEACHMENT proceedings.

    NOT all of them PASSED; just Nixon, as everyone knows

    Bill Clinton, actually served an 8yr. term.. Trump was summoned (2) IMPEACHMENTS, & both of them FAILED.

    The "LOST he SUFFERED", was caused by "BETRAYAL"

    from his own PARTY; & that PANDEMIC.

    Don't even get me started on those ROITS....

    ~Owrith inc 💀✨💫
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
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    Carolyn Irwin
    22mo. ago

    Why are you on here??

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