• If Ukraine suceeds in melting down their Nuclear Reactor with American weapons, doesn't that make Dictator Biden responsible?
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  • Dictator Biden's lies for the month (So far).

    July had 0% inflation (5.5%).

    The Border is secure (5 million unvetted refugees).

    Inflation Reduction Act will reduce inflation (lt's actually going to fuel inflation).

    Inflation Reduction Act will create 1 million jobs (actually 6,200).

    IRS will not audit anyone making under 400k (That's why he's arming them.)

    Big Companies will pay their Fair Share with 15% tax (Which is getting passed thru to us, increasing inflation).

    I believe in the rule of law (As his son continues to to take drugs, FBI raids Trump, 10% to the Big Guy, etc).

    Aren't you tired of it yet?
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 1
  • Why is Ukraine bombing a nuclear reactor?

    Are you freaking insane? Probably using United States weapons.
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
  • I no longer recognize the Country we live in.

    Democrats advocating for abortions until and after birth.

    Democrats pushing the inflation rate higher. Didn't any of you take Econ in school?

    Democrats continuously lying to us.

    Mass Media continuously lying to us.

    FBI is now a political weapon.

    Democrats advocating against our Bill of Rights.

    Democrats and NATO attempting to start WWlll.

    Democrats funding Nazi's.

    Democrats advocating transgender athletes.

    Democrats advocating transgender training for children.

    Democrats advocating Police Defunding.

    Democrats advocating robbery if it's under a certain amount.

    Democrats bailing criminals out of jail.

    Democrats advocating EV even though the infrastructure won't handle it and most people can't afford it..

    Democrats advocating higher taxes.

    Democrats advocating against Border Security.

    Democrats advocating sending Billions upon Billions of Dollars to other Countries and pet projects.

    Democrats advocating for Parents to be investigated.

    Democrats advocating woke procedures.

    Democrats advocating Racism.

    Democrats advocating Election Fraud.

    The list goes on. . .

    Rhino's agreeing with Democrats on these policies.

    What happened to Governing FOR THE PEOPLE? Instead of lining your pockets with insider trading, book deals, and art shows?

    How many Politicians leave office poorer then when they were elected?

    I'm not talking about all Democrats. Some of my best friends and family are Democrats.

    I'm talking about this and past Administrations.

    One ballot, one vote, hand count, no stopping the ballot count, full transparency, lD needed, One day Ballot counting.

    Don't insult me by saying voter lD is Racist. You need a valid ID for almost EVERYTHING YOU DO.

    I'm not advocating violence. Rioters should be charged. And have a speedy trial. Not spending 18 months in jail waiting for the trial.

    Rush Limbaugh, who I admired is probably spinning in his grave in disgust of all the policies in place right now.

    God help us. Because this current Dictatorship isn't.
    Comments: 4 Reposts: 0
  • Our Military and and Armed Services


    Police: 696,644/$123 Billion

    Army: 480,893/$778 Billion

    National Guard: 450,000/$18.8 Billion

    Navy: 336,998/$230.8 Billion

    Air Force: 329,614/$156.3 Billion

    Marines: 180,958/$50.3 Billion

    Space Force: 16,000/$17.4 Billion

    DOJ: 113,000/$35.3 Billion

    FBI: 35,000/$10.7 Billion

    CIA: 21,575/$3.2 Billion

    ICE: 20,000/$8 Billion

    Border Patrol: 19,694/$4 Billion

    ATF: 5,820/1.4 Billion

    IRS: 87,000, Budget $ Billion.

    173,000 Authorized, Budget $ Billion


    Will now be our 6th largest armed force. Almost the same size as the Marines.

    Will now have the 7th highest Budget. Almost the same Budget as the CIA, FBI, and ICE combined.

    People should be concerned about this. Are they going to be the next Brown Shirts?

    Note: l used the latest updated numbers that I could find.
    Comments: 5 Reposts: 0
  • Is social media going to apologize for flagging our posts, putting us in media jail, deleting our posts, and terminating our accounts now that CDC agrees with our "Conspiracy Theory" about Covid?
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 0
  • Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration's records to Chicago.

    Trump took 15 boxes.

    Do you really think it wasn't POLITICAL?

    Another Witch-hunt.
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 1
  • I wonder how long it's going to be before they change the definition of GDP.
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  • The FBI had a warrant in 2016 too.
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  • In 2021, the IRS only had 969 Auditors for family 1040 returns, out of 81,600 employees. What do the rest of them do?
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
  • The DOJ and FBI have now been politically weaponized against the Republican party.

    Why are they going to hire 87,000 IRS agents?

    Why did the lRS buy 4,500 weapons and spend $725,000 on 5 million rounds of ammunition?

    For use inside of the United States?
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • I had a discussion about woke movies and cartoons for our children a couple of weeks ago.

    I said that I didn't agree with it.

    They said that the kids are seeing it in real life, and that they should be acclimated to it.

    One of the few times in my life that I was speechless. I was so surprised that I couldn't formulate my argument against it.

    I really don't care if someone is gay. I've had best friends that were gay. They knew that I didn't swing that way, and never hit on me. I never looked down on them.

    I feel as if the woke community is attempting to sexualize our children. Having worked at a prison, l've heard the conversation between pedophiles. There is a reason it's against the law.

    Yet, l've seen articles and speeches advocating it from prominent Government officials and other people. And it is covered up. Look at the Laptop and Diary.

    There is even a religion that promotes it.

    I disagree with transgender children being taught woke.

    I disagree with drag queen story hour.

    I disagree with children being married by age 9.

    Take a look at all of the pedophile rings being broken up.

    Yes, eventually our children will be exposed to it. THEN you answer their questions. But not before.

    Let's keep our children innocent just a little longer.

    It doesn't belong in children movies and cartoons.
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0
  • 5 million barrels of our oil reserves were sent overseas.

    950K barrels to China, to a Company that Hunter has investment ties to.

    Good thing Dictator Biden is releasing our EMERGENCY OIL RESERVE to lower the price at the gas station.

    I wonder how much Hunter is making off of that? 10% to the Big Guy!!!

    It's also such a good decision to make sure China has enough fuel to go to war with Taiwan. We won't get drug into it. And let's send another $400 mill in weapons to Ukraine. They only gave their Navy away. Good thing Hunter and family have $ ties there too.

    Maybe we can get into a war with Russia and China at the same time. Surely not!!! After all, we're short on weapon supplies for our Country too. But let's try to disarm ourselves also. That way we can be like Canada, Australia, and China.
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