• please, please, please debate Mr. President Trump. It is now more important than ever
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  • Mr. President Trump and First Lady Melanie, you have support from so many people #Best Presidential Couple Ever
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  • Mr. President Trump and First Lady Melanie, you have support from so many people #Best Presidential Couple Ever
    Comments: 0 Reposts: 0

  • Pink Floyd, song, so much more appropriate now, should be sung to all Dem parties. lol, I wonder if they would even "get" it

    Appreciate you, Mr. President Trump

    My respect always
    Comments: 2 Reposts: 1
  • Why are we not holding the Mexican government & President liable for the inhumane situation where his people are fleeing his Country? (I am aware it's not only Mexicans crossing the border but it is the majority). Media interview or interegate The Mexican President and rather leave Trump alone his not responsible for this crisis.
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  • how can CNN say Trump continues with the "lie" that the election was rigged, taking into account the Biden, especially Hunter Biden's scandal, and why is CNN avoiding that topic???
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  • I wish I had the privilege of living in America
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