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  • Former English Top Footballer Explained, Number of Footballers Young To Old After Being #covid19 Pfizer, Astra-Zenica, mRNA #vaccinated collaps On The Field With #myocarditis High!

    #covid19LIE #excessmortality

    💥 BREAKING 💥

    English top footballers FOOTBALLERS DO NOT need to be vaccinated MORE covid19 mRNA!

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    After research, it appears that the #covid19 mRNA vaccines are #illegal in Europe, every citizen should have undergone an examination and advice from a doctor whether that vaccination was necessary!

    In the #Netherlands, all #vaccination laws have been violated by PM Rutte, the Netherlands is the leader in euoropa with #excessmortality of 12.7%

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  • This is from the recent International Covid Summit hosted by the European Parliament. So far 766 million #Covid19 infections have been recorded worldwide with over 7 million deaths, excluding vaccine deaths. This is the biggest #crime against humanity #perpetrated by the US Govt!
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  • When #HumanRights is made of secondary importance by left-wing politicians to be able to inject citizens with #covid19 GMO #mRNA substances, then as a citizen you have to be on your Qui-Vive!
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  • How can we trust Medical "Experts" when they give such contradicting instructions over different "Pandemics" I always thought its was about our Health, so it SHOULDN'T matter if it offends a certain demographic? #covid19 #monkeypox #rulesfortheenotforme
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  • It is a never ending cycle because we ALLOW IT TO BE! Don't allow them to use their creations as weapons

    #covid19 #codidism #monkeypox
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  • So we're still in the #Vaxxed Vs. #Unvaxxed #facemasks debates in TWENTY TWENTY-TWO 🤦 People have made their choices, but I have a feeling more of the #vaccinated are regretting their decisions over the #unvaccinated and the viability of #maskmandates? How long will the cover go on we all know this was never about #covid19
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  • It is always Amazing how The Establishment will switch between the Unmeasurable and unprovable 'Number of LivescLost Vs. Number of Lives Saved' depending on their Political Agenda and Narrative? Can they prove how many lives have been affected good or bad with #covidvaccine and #covid19 and can they dis prove how many lives have been saved, against lost because of #2ndamendment? It can also work the other way So maybe Politicians should stay out of the 'Guessing Game'
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  • It is always Amazing how The Establishment will switch between the Unmeasurable and unprovable 'Number of LivescLost Vs. Number of Lives Saved' depending on their Political Agenda and Narrative? Can they prove how many lives have been affected good or bad with #covidvaccine and #covid19 and can they dis prove how many lives have been saved, against lost because of #2ndamendment? It can also work the other way So maybe Politicians should stay out of the 'Guessing Game'
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  • Well, I'm sure the #UnvaccinatedDocumentary will have changed many of the #unvaxxed into #vaxxed as we all know these Pfizer Produced Programmes are 'Fair and Balanced' AND ON THE BBC TOO 😜

    You would have to think with the number of #vaccineinjuries (never mind unknown) and #covid19 reinfected. you'd have thought that would've given up of the #covidvaccinefear porn as we know when the #covidvaccinesideeffects are shown there will be no hiding from #pfizergate
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  • With President #joebiden catching #covid19 plus other rumored problems are we starting the countdown ro OMG #presidentharris and then do we start the #PrayForUnitedStates as if we thought #presidentbiden was bad wait till #kamalaharris is in charge of the White House? #bidensamerica #harrissAmerica #americahasfallen
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  • Well with Joe Biden catching #covid19 despite #covidvaccine and #boostershots Guess we can go back to 0. Well 3 was too much to ask anyway lol #bidencovid #bidencovidiot #bidensamerica
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  • Biggest Drug Dealers In History... AND OUT IN THE OPEN #Pfizergate #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #CovidAddicts

    Sometimes you need to ask are they now addicted to the #CovidVaccine so see #covid19 as a way to get their #covidaddiction?

    Guess Pfizer is now the biggest and most deadly drug dealer in the world? AND WERE PAYING FOR IT
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  • With President #joebiden catching #covid19 plus other rumored problems are we starting the countdown ro OMG #presidentharris and then do we start the #PrayForUnitedStates as if we thought #presidentbiden was bad wait till #kamalaharris is in charge of the White House? #bidensamerica #harrissAmerica #americahasfallen
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  • Never take a vaccine for something that is ever changing as can it really cure the incurable? It's like trying to stop the ever changing tides but we're living in the age of #MeMeMe and too many bought into #covid19 #scamdemic and think the Vaccine, Health and government's are their #kingCanute
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  • So how shocking there's reports of a new variant of #COVID19, guess they don't want to give up their #covidism? So guess they want to roll out another #CovidVaccine that has zero effect but how will it react with the ones that have had the vaccine in the past? #VaccineSideEffects #vaccineinjuries
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  • Has Dr. Fauci become the epitome of #covidism as despite being fully #vaccinated he has caught #covid19 for the 2nd Time in a Month after taking FOUR lateral flow tests (the 1st three wee negative) So has #DrFauci proven COVID is as much a mental issue as virus?
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  • A silent population is a defeated one. They will keep their plans quiet while we say nothing, we need to know why so many things are kept away from us "in our best interests" as #covidtyranny has eroded our confidence in all areas of life especially the ones that 'work to help us'. #Covid19 was used to break us and the ones that survived #covidcoverup are the ones that can survive their WORLD.
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