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  • One of her visits in April 2014 included a meeting with Kathy Chan, a former Biden staffer and now Deputy Director of Protocols at the Pentagon. Officials speculated that the meeting was probably related to her job interview at the Pentagon. During his five years with Biden, Chong was in regular contact with Hunter, the report said. Fox News Digital previously reported that she relayed information about the then-vice president's schedule and relayed messages from the vice president directly to Hunter and his assistants in the Oval Office.

    #hunterbiden, #bidencrimefamily, #bidenmemes, #fjb, #bidensucks, #letsgobrandon, #creepyjoebiden, #fuckjoebiden, #creepyjoe, #joebiden, #kamalaharris, #donaldtrump, #democrats, #biden, #trump
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  • A jury found Russian national Igor Danchenko not guilty this week on four false statements charges, declining to convict him for the allegations that the main source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele had lied to the FBI about his sourcing for the discredited and Clinton campaign-funded anti-Trump dossier.


    #hunterbidenslaptop #impeachjoebiden #maralago #lockherup #hunterbiden #democratsdestroyamerica #liberalism #hillaryclinton #impeachbiden #bidencrimefamily #draintheswamp #bidenmemes
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  • Durham’s indictment against the Russian-born Danchenko argued that he “stated falsely that he had never communicated with” longtime Clinton ally Charles Dolan “about any allegations contained” in the dossier, while “in truth and in fact, and as Danchenko well knew, Danchenko sourced one or more specific allegations” in the dossier anonymously to Dolan.


    #hunterbidenslaptop #impeachjoebiden #maralago #lockherup #hunterbiden #democratsdestroyamerica #liberalism #hillaryclinton #impeachbiden #bidencrimefamily #draintheswamp #bidenmemes
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