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Search results (3)

  • Who else feels there is more to this #ukrainewar than meets the eye, as no matter what we're told there is and always will be a historical connection between the countries. There will be both Russians and Ukrainians that will have different thoughts about what their leaders put out to the media. I even have a conspiracy that both Zelenskyy and Putin agree on a lot of things and have deals in place and are just draining NATO's funds. #UkraineRussiaWar #USSR #SovietReUnion #Russia #Ukraine
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  • Why are we living in a world that never ask "Why is this happening, and how us funding this help both THEM and US? #UkraineRussiaWar #AreUkraineRussia? #PoliticalTakes #PoliticalLies #politicalmoney
    Comments: 1 Reposts: 0
  • Hear from (unreliable) sources that all the Aide given to Ukraine will be forgiven? plus the weapons sent over for #ukrainerussiawar have gone missing...

    How is this not a 'Con Job' either from #UkraineRussia or by #governmentcorruption as we should have all learned that all things from the people in control are not for us and for them #MissingMoney #PolLOOTion #PoLOOTian
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