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  • China, Russia, and Iran, not to mention North Korea and other countries, have placed the U.S. in a very bad and dangerous position. They are dividing up the World as we sit around and let them do it. They no longer respect the U.S., BUT THEY WILL!!!
    Comments: 4 Reposts: 8
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    Henk Ermes
    16mo. ago

    You get respect when you also treat others with respect and that is where America is lacking, by supplying nuclear weapons to Ukraine, continuing to promote Ukrainian war at the cost of ± 500,000 deaths (both sides) by now, America has "done the tie"! https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1617205154071068681?t=5zkBXoD8iOIMoZo869G5Vw&s=19

    Ahmed Khalid
    16mo. ago

    I am surely that Trump will be the president of USA 2024, and he will stop the world war , spread freedom

    kitty kitty
    16mo. ago

    im from iran,I hope this time your politic targets the government and the dirty Islamic mafia, not the innocent people of iran❤️

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