• Vedo una Q di diamanti su Kate Middleton

    Patriots in Qontrol
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  • Con il decreto ministeriale 60/2015 il contatore NON PUÒ ESSERE SOSTITUITO se non ha completato 15 anni di ciclo a partire dall'installazione!
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  • Biden dice che oggi la pandemia è finalmente finita.

    Io dico che non c'è mai stata una pandemia per una malattia con un tasso di sopravvivenza superiore al 99% e una cura.

    Non siamo uguali.
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  • pay attention to what you eat and give to you Little ones.
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  • An Israeli startup is going to create personal human clones for the sake of a spare set of organs. Renewal Bio has shared its plans to create realistic synthetic embryos to be grown in artificial uteruses from stem cells (without the use of sperm or eggs). Scientists have already conducted studies on mice. They placed mouse embryos in a mechanical uterus and managed to grow them to the point where their brains began to bud and their hearts began to beat. Analyses show that the synthetic versions are about 95 percent similar to normal mouse embryos, based on the combination of cell types within each one. "We look at the embryo as a 3D bioprinter," the biologist says. "It's a better entity for creating organs and proper tissue." #JFK_T
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