• Do politicians think or simply revert to mindless comments because they think it sounds smart?

    It doesn't seem to matter that they lack knowledge in a subject, they simply have an opinion sucked from thin air which they voice. Is there some form of shame for a politician to concede that they don't know enough to have framed an opinion?

    I think that maybe there needs to be a graphical interface that allows voters to see how many times a politician has got things right or wrong as the case may be so that voters can punt on the most probable.

    The politician who gets things right frequently is likely to lead the pack and the electorate can feel a little easier knowing that what's been elected is capable of intelligent thought and won't waste our time regurgitating the mouth pieces from other brainless dimwits?
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  • Ausies are under attack by the loonies rewriting society, gotta feel for those being robbed of their heritage and terms of endearment
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