• God bless
    • Andre Du Plessis 12mo. ago

      Dear Donald

      This fiasco with the lunatics and

      is called "Speciesism" ( meaning a human is assuming superiority over any other life form on earth.)

      So the Libs, Dems & Lefts are practising speciesism over us deplorable and the rest of the humans of the world. Little do the lunatics realise that their ways & mathematical abilities are sub-human. With that in mind we are therefore much smarter and wiser & greater in number, we will endure their vile destructive ways. Make America Great Again will survive!!

      Please Donald, I know you have strength and goodness of four men. But remember we are still with you, draw from our hearts and minds, forever with you. Stay focussed.

      God Bless

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    • Kiztv7 NewsRoom 12mo. ago

      Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Wagner Mercenary Group boss, said early Saturday his forces had crossed into Russia from Ukraine & entered Rostov-on-Don, 60 miles from the border, telling Russians not to raise any resistance. Big chunk of Russia's Special Forces Brigade has switched to Wagner's side as well as some FSB border guards, even as the mercenary group are mercilessly heading into Russian with probably one clear intention, to remove Putin from power. ...

      As we were reporting, Putin was addressing the nation.

      Things are not smelling good with Putin. Coup?

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