• My favourite reason to lose sleep.❤️😍
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  • Discipline. Patience. Confidence.
    4 non-negotiables you'll need if you want to succeed in the trading game.
    The discipline to consistently do what needs to be done in your trading business.
    The patience to sit on your hands when the market's not presenting your go-to setups.
    The confidence to execute without hesitation when the market does.
    And the professionalism to do all of the above to the highest standard to which you're capable.
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  • How you do one thing is how you do everything. The source you draw from when you exercise displine by showing up to the gym, making your bed or organising your day is the same source you draw from when you need to exercise discipline as a trader.
    If you can't even show up to the gym to work on your health consistently, how the fuck are you going to maintain the processes essential in a trading business?
    Don't try to become a more disciplined trader - instead become a more disciplined person.
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