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  • Do ever have that feeling that ur so LOST, that

    u feel TRAPPED?! Not knowing; of what to do, but ur so torn

    that u CAN'T ACCEPT HELP; u might feel UNLESS, CHEAP,

    DIRTY; or just so WEAK... That ya "can't do anything" about


    U know; that we're not... It just PLAYS IN UR Mind, as if

    ur a "FAILURE"; but I know that u R NOT!!! Just look at ALL

    WAS DONE BY u... "Never RUN on FALSE HOPE", it could

    lead in down a DARK-PATH... Maybe SUICIDE.

    That's "y", some have this "GUARDIAN SPIRIT"; that

    watches over them.

    🌟✨💫 ~ Owrith Cyn 💀
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