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  • Geez... What now... We work five(5), or six(6) days a

    week... Right!! Maybe; doing $8.; - $15.; - or even $25...

    Maybe even greater.

    There's times where I get along, & u don't along

    w/ ur co-workers. As u know, when they have those office

    parties, or they may do little celebration; as a "GOOD SELL"

    went by, & then they also have ways on how they deal

    when a "SELL goes BAD, or SOUR".

    Now there's MOMENTS in TIME where people have

    to deal w/ TWO, or more JOBS. If u have a FAMILY, or

    LIVING ALONE... There may of been that time where

    u were straining w/ the clothes on ur back. So; this

    Administration has the GALL to threaten the public

    by hiring more IRS workers to come collect on those

    who worked hard for it support their family.
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